"Server Connection Unavailable" and other Status Messages on the apps - what do they mean?

The mobile apps have the current system status displayed at the top of the screen, just below the network OWL system name.

Below is a table of the statuses you might see, alongside their descriptions and how to resolve any issue if present.

Status Messages Meaning Resolution
Online This indicates that all is well - readings should be coming through correctly. No action needed.



Server Connected

This indicates that the network OWL has for some reason become disconnected from our services, and needs reconnecting. Please follow the instruction at https://theowl.zendesk.com/hc/en-gb/articles/202359479-What-is-the-System-Offline-Message-on-the-Dashboard-
Server Connection Unavailable This indicates that your mobile phone is failing to connect to our services; and so cannot show any new information on the app.

Please go to the "settings" tab on the app and click on "reset username/password" (android) or "login with different account" (iOS). Please log in again with your usual username and password.

If the app then fails to log in, please check your internet connection on the phone.

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