If you cannot find a suitable answer to your question in our FAQ section, please log a ticket via the link below
Important Please read to improve response times
To help improve resolution times we can only start our investigations if you supply certain essential information on the ticket fields, If information is missing we will request it which may delay final resolution
- For all password/username questions please provide your Mac id and Postcode plus your username if known see FAQ
- For all display-based monitors, please provide your model number
- For all Intuition based systems please provide your Mac id and username
The Mac id can be found on the rear of the network owl gateway, the small white unit with an antenna connected to your broadband router
Please note we will respond as soon as possible during office hours, however depending on the quantity of enquiries received there may be some delay to handling your ticket. Please take note of this when submitting tickets later in the day - we may need to handle these the next morning.
Heating emergencies will be treated as an exception to the above, as an on-call member of the team will be available at variable times to handle heating control emergencies out of hours.