Room Sensor must be secured to a wall - they are not portable devices

We provide a solution where the room sensor can be placed anywhere in the property when used in conjunction with a relay unit to avoid the use of additional wiring for convenience of installation.

This provides a totally wireless solution for the room sensor enabling it to  be placed in a location that  is both convenient  for the customer and at the same time in a suitable location to monitor the ambient temperature.

This solution does not mean that the unit  can be used as a portable device that will moved around the property at will and left in an unsecured  condition.

The room sensor is specifically designed to be securely attached vertically to a wall or other suitable solid background material in a permanent location. Failure to  do this, as experience has shown  will lead to operational issues, particularly when knocked, dropped and damaged. 

We deem this a failure to follow the correct installation guidelines and support calls involving non operational units may be delayed until the product is correctly installed and dependent on the units condition due to damage


The Room sensor (and tank sensor where applicable)  should not be installed in a situation where it is left unsecured - this will invalidate the warranty for physical damage and will lead to operating issues in the long term

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